antiX-17.4 (Helen Keller) released
This is primarily a point-release upgrade of antiX-17.3 (Helen Keller) with a newer L1TF/Foreshadow and Meltdown/Spectre/CVE-2019-8912 patched kernel, a few bugfixes, updated translations and some upgraded and new packages.
As usual we offer the following completely systemd-free flavours for both 32 and 64 bit architecture.
antiX-full (c1GB) – 4 windows managers – IceWM (default), fluxbox, jwm and herbstluftwm plus full libreoffice suite.
antiX-base (c680MB so fits on a cd) – 4 windows managers – IceWM (default), fluxbox, jwm and herbstluftwm.
antiX-core (c330MB) – no X, but should support most wireless.
antiX-net (c170MB)- no X. Just enough to get you connected (wired) and ready to build.
The 32 bit version uses a non-pae kernel.
So what has changed since antiX-17.3 release?
* new 4.9.160 kernel patched for L1TF/Foreshadow and Meltdown/Spectre and CVE-2019-8912 exploits
* all packages upgraded to Debian 9.8
* latest eudev 3.2.7
* firefox-esr upgraded to 60.5.1 (Quantum)
* further improvements to localization of applications
* more consistent icon/theme – many thanks to MisTell
* arc-evopro2-theme now default
* ubuntu icons used as default
* wonderland cursor theme included
* Rox panel better organised for those that use it
* includes tomb file encryption app
* firejail/firetools backported from Debian buster
* antiX-installer (based on gazelle-installer) received fixes to address crashes during grub install
* repo-manager now lists many many more repository mirrors (thanks aledie)
* significant improvement to the UEFI boot capabilities of the live
system, especially for 64 bit UEFI systems – (many thanks to BitJam and
* hunspell used for spelling
* Network Assistant replaces broadcom-manager
* User Manager forked from MX Linux.
So, why should I use antiX?
* systemd-free!
* fast
* stable
* flexible
* light on system resources
* Install to harddrive,
* Set up and run live from an encrypted stick with persistence and remaster
* Frugal install on a partition.
* Option to run bleeding edge Debian Testing (buster) or sid (Only for experienced users).
The choice is yours!
The most extensive live usb on the planet!
So what is included?
Lots! Explore!
* Based on Debian Stretch, but without systemd and libsystemd0.
* eudev instead of systemd-udev
* Customised kernel with fbcondecor splash
* libreoffice (full version only)
* firefox-esr
* claws-mail
* systemd-free cups for printing
* xmms -for audio
* gnome-mpv – for playing video
* smtube – play youtube videos without a using a browser
* streamlight-antix – stream videos with very low RAM usage.
* evince – pdf reader
* latest adobe-flashplugin
* arc-evopro2-theme
File managers and desktop:
* spacefm
* rox-filer
Convert your video and audio files with:
* winff
* asunder
Connect to the net with:
* ceni – default
* wicd – turned off by default. Use F4 at the live boot menu and choose wicd to turn it on.
* gnome-ppp – if you are still on dial-up
* nosystemd version of network-manager in the repos
* geany
* leafpad
* Midnight Commander
* vim-tiny
* nano
Tools for remastering and creating snapshots of installed system:
* iso-snapshot
* remaster tools
General tools:
* bootrepair
* codecs installer
* network-assistant
* user-manager
* ddm-mx – install nvidia drivers
* repo-manager – many more mirrors to choose from
* hexchat – gui chat
* luckybackup – excellent backup tool. There’s nothing lucky about it!
* simple-scan – for scanning documents
* transmission-gtk – torrent downloader
* wingrid-antix – turn the stacking window managers into tilers.
* Xfburn for burning cd/dvd
* connectshares-antix for network shares
* droopy-antix – an easy way to transfer files over the net.
* mirage – image viewer
* package-installer – install applications easily and safely
* antiX Control Centre – an easy way to do just about anything!
* streamtuner2 – listen to streaming radio
* cherrytree – note taking application
* lxkeymap – gui to set system localisation
* fskbsetting – gui to set live localisation
* gdebi – gui tool to install .deb files
Why not try out our included ‘cli’ apps:
* Editors: nano and vim
* Newsreader: newsboat
* Chat: irssi
* Audio player: mocp
* Radio: pmrp
* Video player: mpv
* Youtube video: mps-youtube
* Audio ripper: abcde
* Torrent: rtorrent
* Cd burner: cdw
* Writer: Wordgrinder
* cli-aptiX – command line synaptics
* live-kernel-updater – update kernel when running live
* backlight-brightness – usefull tool for laptops
* antiX-cli-cc – command line control centre
Cool in-house antiX apps available in the repos:
* 1-to-1-voice-antix – Voice chat between two pcs via encrypted mumble
* 1-to-1-assistance-antix – Remote access help application
* ssh-conduit – Remote resources via an ssh encrypted connection
”Great ”’LiveUSB”’ features:”
o fast boot times without systemd
o auto-customizable bootloaders (legacy and uefi)
o easy persistence and easy frugal installs
o remasters and respins
o legacy and 32-bit uefi and 64-bit uefi
o encrypted live usb options
Many thanks to the antiX team, testers, supporters, and translators.
Also many thanks to the MX Linux programmers for various applications ported to antiX.
Special thanks to aledie for massively expanding our worldwide mirrors for antiX (and MX Linux).
Enjoy antiX-17.4!
anticapitalista, 06 March 2019, Thessaloniki.